Phantom Limbs
Phantom Limbs is an exploration into family identity, cultural history, and loss.
Divine, ink and gold leaf on Dura-lar, 60 x 40 inches, 2018
Anchor, ink on Dura-lar, 87 x 40 inches, 2018
Birthright, ink on Dura-lar, 87 x 40 inches, 2018
Spectre, ink and gold leaf on Dura-Lar, 87 x 40 inches, 2018
Initiate, ink on Dura-lar, 40 x 25 inches, 2018
Sisters, ink on Dura-lar, 39 x 48 inches, 2018
Halmeoni, ink, flashe, gold leaf, graphite on Dura-Lar, 61 x 80 inches, 2019
A Prayer To Dispel Restless Spirits (First State), ink on Dura-lar, 58 x 40 inches, 2018
A Prayer To Dispel Restless Spirits (Second State), ink on Dura-lar, 58 x 40 inches, 2018
A Prayer To Dispel Restless Spirits (Third State), ink on Dura-lar, 58 x 40 inches, 2018